Friday, November 30, 2012

Working from the margins, the edges

Archetypal Time waits on the edges

and irrupts, leaks, sneaks, seeps, gurgles, burbles into historical time

via Shadow holes and cracks : sorrow, trauma, surprise, coincidence, shock, ferality,

carnality, pornography… It’s the destination of the surrealists; mystics, runners, The Zone

It’s remembered and honored on irreligious altars: the backs and bottoms of drawers

2. Archetypal Time and ther Bitten Finger.

3. The wonder of the world;
    the beauty and power; the shapes of things, their colors, lights, and shades;
    These I saw;   Look ye also while life lasts                         Gravestone epitaph

4. Stevie Nicks getting ready, 1981

5. Animals, insects and birds are Guides to and from Archetypal time.Working from the margins allows Others their moments Center stage, their Solos... their chance to sparkle, discover, feel  and be essential to the meandering, unexpected  organic growth of the group.

This has something to do with my favorite shape: the Sensitive Chaos... where there a many little epicenters.  At out Seligmann Committee meeting today there were often three or four conversations going on at once.    Quite Tribal!  How Beautiful!