Saturday, March 18, 2023

Tuesday, March 7, 2023

Blogs? Help me figure this out!

 My "last" blog was left unpublished two years ago.  

Blogs?  Are they daily digestive processes that you share or foist on others? The rhythm? Biannual or Cicada-like?        Does that make sense?   

Is blogging like biting fingernails, a semiconscious urge, need?  a chance to impress or get tolerated, pitied by others?  I've come back to this blog only because another one of my illusions of connection, "My Website" needs repair and I see that I have some grumbly urge to post something out there sweetly assuming that there is a waiting audience or that Fate will algorithm it to just the right people.

I'll end now with my favorite image: Sensitive Chaos: which has likely been used many times before on this blog. Oh, well.