Many of us are just waiting... for the vaccine, for warmer weather... for things to get back to "normal". Wonder If they never will?
How can we start to practice for this New World? to accept that some things, some ways are over. It's happened many times in our lives already. Certainly the death of people close to us upends our world. Other traumas, failings, accidents are similar. We usually come back to an amended world, resembling parts of the old one.. My favorite Marshall McLuhan quote is
"We go hurtling into the future looking in a rear-view mirror"
Are there ways to prepare now? Or is the Shock of it, a big essential part of it all?
Talk, Talk, Talk doesn't really seem too helpful.
I'm trying to arrange something less direct and more playful... a game-like activity. The Players get to make up the rules, choose appropriate Game Boards, Yes, there's contact with Chance (nice vintage dice), but the goal is not to WIN, but to turn a corner of awareness about how games can be played; that the rules change, the Game Pieces change. There are hidden messages in games and game playing that can seep into the rest of our upended lives. More on my Website